Arago terminales

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

post Christmas holiday

We studied Letter to Mama p.52. about homosexuality. At the same time, a movie, "Brokeback Mountain" was becoming a blockbuster thanks to the audience response.
You can have a look at that blog where you will find lots about the film:

You also had a three-hour "mock bac" with an extract from "Even cowgirls get the blues" by Tim Robbins. It deals with the evacuation of 110.000 American citizens of Japanese origins a few weeks after Pearl Harbour (12/7/1941)
See book p.96

WEEK 1 before Easter holidays

We shall be studying Leaving Home p. 79 as well as the audio document entitled Truancy on the same page as well as in the workbook p. 41 & 42.

We'll also study phrasal verbs. You might have a look here:
and work with phrasal verbs here.
As you can easily see as you type esl+phrasal verbs in the Google bar, those are only two of many other references.
Have a nice holiday all and see you on Monday.