Arago terminales

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Be a Martian!

Oral Comprehension and Reading

Go and visit this link:
Solar Minimum Explodes.
You can read the text and listen to it at the same time.A thrilling piece of news don’t you think?

HOMEWORK: Listen to the text and read it at the same time.
A- Find out where the script differs from the recording and note it down somewhere.
a) In paragraph 5 (§5), one word is longer in the audio recording than it is in the text. Find it!

b) In ( §6) above the second picture, the one beginning with “Scientists like Hathaway...”, find the word in the audio which is different from the word in the script.
B- Find the equivalent of - “c’est sensé fonctionner”
- « imprévisible »
- « chaque cycle dure 11 ans »
- « tirer des conclusions »
Envoyez le tout à, signez le et recevez peut-être une bonne note !

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